For "Older Folks" who find it difficult to keep up with this generation!

It is very difficult to be "cool" when you are no longer that! I will just continue to be myself and hope that someone will enjoy my experiences! Join me, you seniors!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Finally Some Sunshine!

One really must actually SEE a flood before they can believe it. EVERYTHING is various shades of grey! If I were an artist, I would try to paint what I have seen, but I cannot draw a cat sitting backside!

The wonderful neighbors surrounding our farm have been a blessing. And the fact that we can text and email back and forth is something I thank God for every day. Disasters are not exactly a deaf person's cuppa. But we learn fast!

My Seaside house looks nice, after a visit from our man who comes a few times a year to do the heavy work. I even went out and scrubbed down the two porches, they were pretty messy from dead, frozen plants. I have a stiff mop that swivels so I can get in between the various posts (that are always around a deck!). The new Spray Cleaner With Bleach is a Godsend, that and my trusty BIOKLEEN that will make short work of almost any kind of stain or mold!

While out in the yard, I found ONE shingle on the ground that must have come off of our cedar shingle roof, so I will need to have someone check. Disasters attract every crook known to man and they particularly enjoy ripping off (deaf) old ladies. However, Joe taught me well and I have enough friends around town to protect me. And YOU know that we deafies have feelers out that can feel a crook a mile away!

It's only January, and so we still have alot of WEATHER coming, but I am thinking positive.

On Feb. 5th I will have my right Carpal Tunnel Syndrome operated on. My daughter, Jan Marie is coming down with her 2 Aussie Shepherds to keep me from overdoing it. For my LEFT CTS my younger grand daughters will come down during Spring Break and see me through the 2nd operation. I hope to talk them into cleaning house, but they are teenagers so I do not expect much!

Such wonderful news on T.V. about the Miracle On The Hudson. I think we, as a people needed this story to lift our spirits and recuperate from the Bush Presidency!

Until next time, Yours, Lantana


  1. Hi Lantana.

    Nice to get an update from you. I hope your surgery goes well. You are still sharp as ever. I love your writing and your wit. Would love to see more of your blogs. Yours is a story I don't want to end.

    I like the pictures you put on your side bar. I've used the one with the hands making a face before. It's a fun one for sure. I can see your creativity shine.

    My best to you. Stay warm.


    ~ LaRonda

  2. Hi Lantana!

    Please keep us posted on how the surgery goes!! I missed chatting with you and glad to see things are going good with you.



  3. As almost everyone knows, CTS surgery is an outpatient deal, but they still make a big thing out of it! Pre-op,labwork,post-op and then stitches day. I think I will have my grand daughter (who is a nurse) take the stitches out.

    Yeah, I have heard all of the butt wiping jokes. My own husband had this surgery and so did my middle son, so I listened and learned, plotted and planned. No one is going to have to wipe my bottom!

    My biggest concern during this whole thing is that I cannot change my earrings! Arrrrgh! Your fingers do not work along with your brain, so my precious diamonds stay IN MY EARS, until someone I can trust can take them out. My grand daughter gave me a hint, instead of alcohol, use Saline Solution, which you can purchase at any drugstore for less than $3.00!

    Thanks Geo and LaRonda for the thumbs up. 'Over the river,through the mountains and thru the dale to my pre-op next week!


  4. Hey Lantana,

    Is there a way to change this purple fonts in comments to something else? It's hard to read purple fonts on green.


  5. Hi Lantana,

    Hope you getting to fixing your CT. I know it is not being easy to know if CT will better. I think I have CT. Last night I itched my skin in back.. Somehow my hand finally hurt so badly!
    Next week I will have a foot surgery,Due to Ligament muscle worn out since I wore the cast.
    My right foot was broken I was 8 yr old.

    Lantana, I missed your blogs lately. I love your blogs. you doing better than me. I need to some learn to put a blogs. I put mess up and I will need to learn how to use PC for my own blogs,again.

  6. Hello Again! I think I have fixed up the blog so everyone can read it, comments and all!

    Blessings, Lantana

  7. Pleas make sure you scroll all the way down so you can view a few of my family pictures!


  8. Hi,
    I hope your surgery will go well and have a fast recovery.

    The store about the Miracel on Hudson was amazing. The hero pilot grew up in my mom's birthplace. People like him, Former president Ike and my mom were/is good people from Denison, Texas.

  9. I don't familiar in Washington State about location where your daughter's log cabin house in White Salmon, Wa. I need to know where it is nearby? Lovely cabin!

    Hear that if you buy a cabin house cheaper than if you purchased? I know your brother know better! ;)

  10. White Salmon is on the Columbia Gorge. Roughly across the river from Hood River. My daughter and her husband built the cabin themselves with the help of friends, and paid as they went, so there is no mortgage. It will probably never be completely finished! They never had children and they both worked, so they were able to do this.

  11. Thankyou for all the good wishes, everyone. LaRonda, I save many pictures that I am attracted to "for later reference" and have no idea where they came from, so please excuse my poor old brain.


  12. Lantana,

    I forgot about to check your site since I had a foot surgery were done. I still wear bootie for almost two month. I cannot drive anywhere. It is so frustrated for me to not able to get out of the house. my foot is very healed well I had to wear it anyway and took off bootie and I can walk without it.

    Wow, That's interesting about being bulit their own without helping.
    It is good reasonable price?

    Hope your CT surgery went good ?


Please be sure to scroll down and see everything! And I would love it if you left a comment.