For "Older Folks" who find it difficult to keep up with this generation!

It is very difficult to be "cool" when you are no longer that! I will just continue to be myself and hope that someone will enjoy my experiences! Join me, you seniors!

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Usual Hospital Quagmire

I was thrilled when a friend from the east coast recently informed me that she had the use of a video phone during a recent stay in the hospital in her area. 'Thanks to a very large deaf population in the east, our deaf friends, family and acquaintances there are fortunate to have such up to date technology.

But I live in the "toolies". I recently found it necessary to take my husband to Emergency at our local hospital. After several days of heart attack symtoms, we finally made the trek that we had been dreading. Our hospital, fairly new, is high on a hill overlooking our little beach town and with a glimpse of the ocean and a grand view of both the sunrise and sunset. It it sits high enough so that if the big tsunami does come, the hospital will be safe from harm. 'Extremely intelligent planning.

My husband had been in the hospital there before, so there was no paperwork to be done. We have excellent insurance, with the same company for over 40 years. And of course, Medicare. The Emergency staff hooked him up to all of the appropriate machines, IV's, beepers and so on. They worked smoothely and precisely. I had utmost confidence in these people.

But where was the COURTESY? I sat in a chair in the Emergency room with my husband holding his coat, billfold, etc. for several hours. I did not receive even a glance from the nurses or the interne on duty even tho I sat only a foot away from my husband's bed. Once they realized that I was deaf, I got the cold, fisheye stare, that was all. I got up a couple of times to "thaw out" my knee replacement, which can become stiff from constant sitting. The nurse caught my husband's attention and ordered, "Will you tell her to sit down?!!?" I was not standing up in my husband's room, I was pacing the hallway. (I felt like telling her to tell me herself!) If I asked what a particular machine was, or what it was for, or just some simple information so I would know what was going on, the nurse and the interne (who was my grandchildrens' age!) didn't bother to acknowledge that I had asked a question. Silence! Nothing! I felt less than sub human.

After the 4th hour, they decided to "keep" my husband and place him in the ICU. So I left for a little while to do some errands and catch a bit of fresh air. The nurses in the ICU were a great deal nicer, some of them even had personalities! I had planned on spending sometime with my husband in his ICU room, but he was busily watching t.v. trying to relax. Guess what? No CC t.v.! My husband is HOH from age and vocation and depends a great deal on captions, (OR) he turns up the sound loud enough to awake the dead.

The next morning, the hospital decided that they had done all they could for the time being and let my husband go, with the understanding that he visit his own doctor the very next day. But my husband had no way to get ahold of me. When he dialed Relay, he could not get past the switchboard. When he asked a young nurse about a tty (how primitive!) she didn't even know what a tty was! This nurse was an RN!

I finally showed up at 11:30 a.m. and we got outa there. I am not sure what to do about all of this, since we are a small town. I did not ask for an interpreter, no special priviledges, nothing except common courtesy and a way to get to my husband via a telephone. Since I was not the patient, I am not sure I would have been provided with an interpreter, anyway. What is the protocol on this? My money is just as good as anyone else's and I CAN PAY. Why treat me so rudely?

Thanks for listening.



  1. I really felt this! All a Deaf person can do is protect themselves with a little prior preparation.

    Bring cards to attach to your husband's chart, bed, or whatever: "Wife is the Responsible Person. She is deaf, please write." or information you want the staff to have.

    Both you and hubby need Sidekicks or similar pagers to keep in touch with one another, especially important at this age.

    And after your experience, write to the hospital, the administrative agency, and the provincial health ministry with specific suggestions on what the hospital should be doing for its deaf patients and families.

    Perhaps it is the Canadian health system which is government supported, leaving hospitals short staffed and many medical personnel moving to the United States for better pay. My experience with a relative in a Canadian hospital was not good. Protect yourself!

  2. I also have had similar feeling. Deaf people may often encounter this kind of treatment. Many visitors of my blog mentioned their experience. Agree with dianrez, we should protect ourselves! Wish you everything OK.

  3. I was angry as I was reading your
    entry. It is inconceivable that
    medical people in a place in the west like the USA in the 21st century can be so massively ignorant abotu deaf people. RNs of all people ever imaginable. I agree with Dianrez's suggestions;
    however, I urge you to speak out to your legislator. We must fight
    not to let thed hearing society treat deaf people like that. I
    deeply empathise with you.

  4. I'm gonna send your blog to some people I know. I'm pretty sure the hospital needs to be informed of the problem.

    They should have TTY and closed captioned TV's, at the very least. There's something called a "hospital kit" It's possible all this was available, but the nurses didn't know about it. In this case, they need to train their staff better.

    Do NOT let this go. I agree with whoever said you need Sidekicks, but at the same time it is LAW that TTYs are supposed to be available. Not everyone in the world can afford Sidekicks. It shouldn't be expected of every deaf person to have to call using a Sidekick, when the public would not have to call using a cell. That's the point of equal access. Everything available in the hospital to the heairng public-- such as TV MUST be made available to the hard of hearing and deaf patient.

  5. Lantana,

    Go throught hard time for your husband.
    I agree with KW, J Boutcher, Deafhoney and Dianrez. Honesty with you I am really upset after read your comment. I think

    All of the hosptial must have a TTY device or whatever the deaf wife along with hearing husband. Not matter to me. Depend on number of deaf lives in Astoria or Seaside,Oregon. They should provided any kind of what deaf or hearing patient.

    I recommened you to written a semi formal letter about this situation along with www. to make a print out and send to Hosptial. They will listen your complaint
    Often more than other deaf tourist might trouble to getting access for interpreter.
    But no matter if the tourist deaf people or one person.It would happened it is not really always often happened at ER. Think about written a letter and explained to them about ADA laws. If the hospital refused to arranagement.

    I am file complaint against one clinic and Hosptial. My stuff were mess up with insurance was paid interpreter fee. He is working on my health insurance and file complaint at Insurance Commission. That's reason why I am help you to solve it! I know it is not being fair for you. The hospital ignored your husband's requested.

  6. Hi Lantana--
    I found the link I was looking for.

    It does specify accommodating deaf family members of a patient, as well as the patient. This is really clear what the hospital should provide. I would also tell them you're going to follow up and contact the Office of Civil Rights if the situation with the TTY isn't rectified. I have used them before-- they are free and they don't sue for money, they act as mediators. Public Hospitals receive federal money and are obligated to follow the ADA. A TTY isn't THAT expensive for GAWD sake. I don't understand why the hospital didn't have captioned TV's? Were they the NEW HDTV's??? I HATE those things. . .

  7. I did file Human Civil Right.It is not costly. It is good reasonable for media to solve with hosptial if they are not willing or not aware of ADA. They would learn from you or other deaf. It is very soon for me to find out when I will be media with Human Civil Right. It took me to wait for long time since a year and should be coming very soon I am not sure how it will take for about over a year since I filed complaint since Nov'06. I had a meeting with Human Civl Right three month ago.. I knew it will come very sooner.

    KW is really good information since I forgot about website. I could not think where I put somewhere to give you a website. Please take KW's advisor.

    Deaf Pixie

  8. Thanks so much to everyone who responded here. Especially to KW for that great website. I have printed it out and will run it over to the hospital today. I am very much obliged to my friends here.

    My husband's son and only child was killed on October 5th, a violent and unexpected death. Privately I suspect that my husband is having Post Traumatic Stress. He has other issues of course, but stress can mimic a heart attack.

    I have written in my blog in the past about my own experience as a patient in a hospital when I had my knee replacement. So, the West Coast is very slow at adapting to the ADA Law.


  9. Lantana,

    I am truly sorry that your husband's son and grandson died of unspecifially tragic! How is awfully and feel bad for all of your family.

    I think you are truly correct about PTSD, I hope everything is alright with him. I want you to keep the chin up for your husband's sake.
    Remember the important to you to remember the "Patience, Persistence and Perserenace."

    Also,I want to remind you something about Human Civil Right up to 180 days (up to 6 months) from your date in hospital where he was admitted in the Hosptial. Important to put down on time and date. I hope it is successful well. Dont delay

    Please update with me when you need some help. Let me know

    Hugs and Take care,

    Margaret oxox

  10. Lantana, I also popped my mind ADA is also support on qualifed ASL interpreter. I talked to my sponser's supervisor and she told me about ADA is better deal with Hosptial and doctor

    One thing, Also I applied the ADA might be good fit you in hosptial more than Human Civil Right. You can talk to someone there. But I don't know if Seaside or Astoria do have ADA location? Let find out with the people you can contact.
    Please let me know if it is working or not. I will find out with Lonnie who is my ADA lawyer for hospital situation.

    Here is website:


  11. Deaf Pixie: Joe's grandson is not dead. Only his 42 year old son. The grandson is 16 and now the 2grandmothers are fighting over him.

    I am not about to stir anything up over at the hospital. I am going to go there and ask for "The Honcho", and hand over the material from the ADA website and give "honcho" a cold stare and say, "Are there any questions?"

    This hospital that we are dealing with is Sisters Of Charity Of Providence. I am not familiar with the protocol of Catholic hospitals. I presume they must follow the same as all the rest of them?

    The emergency ward, and one night in ICU, 2 pints of blood, etc. came to over $10,000.00! We do not have to worry, we are covered well, but obviously the whole thing is such a rip off.

    Last night we viewed "Sicko". That is a must for everyone to see. Luckily I am "grandfathered in" after working for the State of Washington for over 25 years. But who knows how long this will last? Lawyers create their own rules.


  12. Lantana,

    My apologized for misread and english sometime fool me. My apologized for mixed up.

    I hope and keep thought of your husband's health come first.

    Take care.


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