For "Older Folks" who find it difficult to keep up with this generation!

It is very difficult to be "cool" when you are no longer that! I will just continue to be myself and hope that someone will enjoy my experiences! Join me, you seniors!

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Another problem I have run up against, tho not necessarily for seniors, only, is the problem of doorbell/telephone/VP signalers for the deaf.

I am of the old school and for many years used "Phone/TTY" signalers. I no longer see them advertised, tho they SERVED ME WELL for many, MANY years.

When we purchased our beach home I spent a great deal of money on Symplicity signalers, (tho I had to go with another brand for the VP). We have had nothing but trouble with these signalers, they go on and off at will for no reason, go on and stay on, occasionally do not work at all and we cannot put a receiver wherever we want. They work on some walls and not others.

We have been told by the manufacturer that we cannot use extension cords OR
surge protectors nor 3-way light bulbs. Hello?

We even had our whole house rewired, "cleaned up" to make sure we did not have any gremlins or bugs. Doing this did not help matters at all.

We are on the Oregon Coast where 100+ mph winds are the special of the day. Power surges are part of everyday life. And the police department with all of their radios, and equipment is directly in line with our house. We have "ham radio operators" on ever block.

We are at our wits end. "Buy a dog?" We already have 3 cats and a parrot.

I happen to know that I am not the only deafie that has complained, but what can we do?


  1. Hello,

    I knew there's only way to purchase used one since they are not in business anymore.

    I found one at for $10 dollars plus s/h. Even its already past deadline but no one bid for it. That's mean they probably still have it.

    If this link didn't work for you, just go to and type "phone-tty" in search box.

    Let me know if you need further help.

  2. Yes, I went to eBay and viewed what they have to offer. I thank you for your concern and feedback! However, the "Master" to our Phone/tty units is long gone and worn out and you have to have the Master wall unit for everything to work. I have about $600.00 worth of Simplicity units here including 2 masters for a 2 story house. And they are nothing but a headache! I have been told to go with Ameriphone, so I guess I need to check that out, too. Ameriphone works with radio signals and is supposed to be much better with today's wiring. But why wasn't I told at the beginning before spending all that money? The Simplicity should be taken off of the market!

    Thanks again, Grant!

  3. Did you try type "phone tty master" in search box?

    Maybe we can contact ebay seller and see if he know where to get it?

    Won't hurt. If you don't have ebay account, I can ask him for you.

    Let me know. Smile!


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