For "Older Folks" who find it difficult to keep up with this generation!

It is very difficult to be "cool" when you are no longer that! I will just continue to be myself and hope that someone will enjoy my experiences! Join me, you seniors!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Alas! Poor Oreck!

My Oreck vacume cleaner went belly up. Sigh. When I went to check to see if I needed to replace the bag, I had a biiiig surprise waiting for me! The "dock" had broken loose, and the bag was at the very bottom of the outer bag and there was dust and dirt 3 inches thick in there! I quickly zipped up and place this piece of @#$%&%$#@! where I could conveniently place it in my garbage can. My grand daughter was here helping me thru my latest crisis, and she wants an Oreck so badly, so she is going to take it to one of those car washes that have powerful vacume cleaners and try to clean it up and repair it. Was I ever THAT poor? Yep! Been there done that, kind of. 'Developes character, or so they say.

Yesiree, I had my Esophageal Dilatation, and it was simple enough. First off, the taxi that I had made arrangments with, did not show up. I do not DRIVE AT NIGHT, I cannot even WALK at night! (This was 6:00 a.m.). You guessed it, I became confused when I tried to drive my own car and take the shortcut to the hospital. But I made it in time, actually a little early, but found myself teetering to get into the hospital ER where the surgery was to take place. What no doorman??! I made it, but entered with a very bad attitude. Of course the hypo took care of that. Hmm, it would be nice to have those oncall!

The Esophageal Dilatation goes all the way to the stomach and takes pictures of the stomach as well as the esophagus. I have two ulcers. I am not surprised. I am type A ulcer material! They stretched the esophagus, and so far, so good. But I still have a slight, dry cough from my bout with The Crud -- you will recall my story, my sad tale of when I had to forego my grandson's wedding in Phoenix. ~~~~~

Leah came down, so she was here for a few days to make sure I was okay. SHE comes along with the two Greats, two and five year olds, very busy little men! We all survived. She is a gem, leaves the guest quarters in spotless condition, unlike most, who consider my abode a hotel with services accordingly.

The weather has been sunny, not really warm, but the sun feels very good, and with my Southwest exposure, the living room and dining room get pretty uncomfortable. I have not yet learned how to place the screens on my new French Doors, what tricks do I have to perform to get the Windowman to come back and teach me? So far he has ignored my other requests, including re-hanging the garage Venetian blind, which they threw on the floor! I don't give up easily, I will go to the BBB if I have to. I have learned to exert my full "elderly widow" routine almost to perfection -- almost.

So now I am waiting for my Vietnamese neighbors to return this weekend and finish up the paintjob and do a few "handiman" chores around here. These people are unbelievable and I feel so fortunate to have them own a vacation home right next door!

Until next time,



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