For "Older Folks" who find it difficult to keep up with this generation!

It is very difficult to be "cool" when you are no longer that! I will just continue to be myself and hope that someone will enjoy my experiences! Join me, you seniors!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

No Arizona!

I NEVER get sick! but guess what, I came down with a humdinger of a respiritory crud and accompanied by a head cold that would have killed a lesser person. Luckily for me, my daughter was already coming to care for my animals anyway, so she was here to (kind of) put up with me while I raged on and on! I am not a good patient, who is?! But 'it' is all gone now, except for a small, dry, hacking cough. (Too many cats??) My daughter has retreated back home where it is safe.

The first night my daughter and her sig other were here, HE had to take me to the ER due to another choking incident. I choked on some deli chicken. This was my 2nd trip to the ER for choking. AND I cannot swallow pills, sooo they have decided to perform an Esophageal Dilation on me this Monday. 'Doctor claims that I will be able to EAT STEAK after this procedure. The doctor also informs me that he performs 3 or 4 of these procedures every Monday on folks my age, and THIS IS A SMALL TOWN! 'Due to the choking, I have almost become a vegetarian, and might more or less lean towards that lifestyle from now on. Who needs all the CRAP there is in meat, chicken, etc. nowdays? I would rather die of natural causes, than chemical causes. Steak no longer sounds so appetizing. :/ Well perhaps the steak that is born and raised on Maui, but that is a long ways away and the Timeshare is sold.

Back to the wedding, I have pictures and it was lovely. Come to find out that the bride is 4 months pregnant, so that means I have THREE GREAT GRANDBABIES ON THE WAY THIS SUMMER! I already have 2 great-grandsons. Pretty soon there will be no more room for ME. But that is fine, I have led an interesting life. I will wait for the big tsunami. I will not need a hairstyle for that one! What a comfort.

Soo on a more positive note, my Vietnamese neighbors are painting the outside of my house WITH A BRUSH. He informs me that this is the only way to go in this area, our customary spray-on "blowjobs" only last 2 years, and at $4,000.00 a pop, they are painful to the pocketbook. These lovely neighbors are also sanding the outside, prepping with a small, handheld sander! This house is two story, high up, facing Southwest, so they have a difficult chore, but they are out there at 8:00 a.m. each morning, while I lie in bed watching the a.m. news! ' Interesting that our painters always sandblasted. So I am getting royal treatment, not to mention an occasional eggroll and some noodles to boot. I will pay them well, they are a lovely couple. He lost an eye during the war, fighting the communists.

Another neighbor, from over on the corner brought me a container of her home-made ministrone soup tonight for my dinner. Wonderful! ' Perfect, just the right amount of everything in it, and just enough meat to satisfy me and not cause me to wind up in the ER, which, by the way are over $4,000.00 per visit. :/ For 3 hours of care. ~~~

Let's see, I have a lead on a new housekeeper. My former gal had to move away, she was on the kidney machine and needed better bus service. Gawd! And I was hiring her to clean for ME! I should have cleaned for HER! Punch in your zipcode, they have many things to offer, including nannies and eldercare. 'Very nice website and I have used it before.

That's it for tonight. Tomorrow is another day, if I am lucky!

Until next time. Hugs.


  1. Good luck on Monday! Let us know what your first meal will be. =)

  2. I missed your blog for long time and read catch up your blog.


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